Free Betting Advice - Laying Horses and Research - The Basics by Keith Driscoll

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 0 comments
+Horse Racing Research+

Research is potentially the most essential part of a professional gamblers armoury, as devoid of it we wouldn't have a clue concerning trends. We all know uncomplicated ones, such as non-handicap Favs (Favourites) win more races than handicap Favs, and that is a researched trend. However the professional gambler should find one that the majority of folk aren't aware of in order to profit from it.

In the past we used to take advantage of old copies of the Sporting Life, or Raceform results books, etc, but with computers these days it is much easier to keep your own records or employ such tools as Raceform Online, or RSB (Racing System Builder), Racexpert, Superfom, etc. These services, although expensive, will allow you to trawl through years of data, and come up with earlier trends.

Designing your own horse racing system is easy, although some can be complicated, just begin with a simple rule such as bet the shortest priced forecast horse of the day. This one rule gives you one bet a day, with a 50%+ SR (Strike Rate), and has been profitable over the past few years. However, there is a drawback. Due to the low odds, it is high turnover, for low profits (ROI% around 1%-3%, 5%+ is good), but gives you some idea, and you can add new rules as you progress. Skipping handicap races will increase the SR, and so on.

If I didn't do any research, I would in no way make cash, and it is a specialty you must constantly stay on top of.

+Laying Horses+

With betting exchanges now having a sound foothold in the gambling market, its achievable to back horses, football teams, etc, to lose (LAY), although several bookmakers are starting to give odds for laying, the prices are frequently against you.

It may perhaps sound straightforward to back a horse to lose, as its easier than picking a winner isn't it? But there is a catch the majority don't realise.

Taking an illustration from a recent race that won at an SP of 100/1, it was taken on the betting exchanges at 1000/1. This means that someone who wanted to make a effortless �2 profit, actually lost �2,000!! So he has to find another 1000 losers at �2 stakes in order to get that money back before he even can look at a profit.

For an evens chance (1/1), you have exactly as much probability of picking a loser, as you do of it winning, although statistically in the real world, you do essentially have something like 55% in your favour, as that's what the research shows, but it is still high risk at those odds.

Unlike a win bet when a 10/1 horse is 10/1, if you lay a horse at that price on the betting exchanges you have to take into account the difference involving the exchange price and SP, plus your commission as additional costs. This is what makes laying more difficult to profit from than straight win bets, as you just shell out the commission.

If you're recent to laying, just start at �2 level stakes, prior to moving on to any of the staking plans supplied to members on the site, while you get your brain around it all.

One useful thing on the subject of the betting exchanges is you can lay off any errors. Say you backed horse B with �50, but it ought to have been horse A! Then you lay horse B as well. You'll lose the commission, and the spread between the win-lose price, but its a small percenadditionally of the 50. Not many people consider that option and just let the bet ride only for it to prove expensive.

Also keep your laying and winning banks separate, and as with winning bets, NEVER chase your losses, you will fail in the end. Stick to the staking plans and system rules, and any losses should be recovered over time. Patience, not greed, will see you turn into a winning professional gambler. Remember that last bit of advice it may well save you a fortune.

The Hook Ball - Mastering the Technique of Hooking the Bowling Ball by Johnny Cartwright

Thursday, August 20, 2009 1 comments
Most people, probably including you, start out bowling by using a "straight" shot. With this style of bowling, you simply point and shoot. Bowling with this style is effective, and you can in fact bowl an excellent score using it.

Even so, if you want to be more serious about bowling, or further improve your score, you'll need to learn more advanced techniques, adding more skill than luck to your game.

One of the first advanced moves most bowlers incorporate in their game is the hook ball.

By adding the hook ball to your arsenal, you gain much more control over where the ball travels, and which pins are knocked down.

The reason straight bowling can only get you so far is because you have to send the ball down the center of the lane, and hit pins straight on, while avoiding the gutters (and the dreaded gutter ball).

Few people can consistently bowl strikes with straight bowling -- often it's simple luck dictating where the ball strikes the pin, how much the ball is spinning, and how the pins fly around once hit.

More often than not, by sending the ball down the middle of the lane, you'll end up with a nasty split that is difficult to convert into a spare. Even if you do manage to nail the spare, you still won't be able to win a game against others that are able to hit strikes consistently.

That's where the hook ball comes in.

By using the hook ball, you add spin into your shot, using the spin to send the ball exactly where you want it to go.

Creating the hook is controlled by the way you release the ball.

In general, you should release the bowling ball with your thumb close to the bottom, using your fingers to give the ball some spin. With the right amount of spin, the ball should travel in a fairly straight line, until it reaches the "break point".

The break point is the spot in the lane when the ball begins to turn towards the target, leaving it's straight path. When the ball hits the break point, it should arc outwards slightly, then curve back toward the pins you were targeting.

To get the perfect hook ball, you'll need to analyze your bowling habits. You need to figure out your typical axis rotation and axis tilt -- or the amount of vertical and horizontal spin you usually put on your shots.

You can get an idea of these by the position of your hand when you release the ball -- get someone else to watch or take pictures or video of you while you throw several shots.

Once you've identified your axis rotation and tilt style, you can make appropriate corrections to your game. You can also get the best bowling ball for your style.

For a hook game, urethane balls are perfect. The texture of these bowling balls helps to add just the right amount of spin to your throw.

Once you've got the right ball, you need to practice. Learning how to hook the ball properly takes many throws, as you need to become comfortable with each aspect of the throw -- rotation, spin, location, speed.

It does take an investment of time, but once you've mastered the hook ball, you'll have a bowling technique available to you that will help you to score higher, making more strikes, and giving you a greater chance of hitting difficult spares.

Be New! Be Unique!! by Soophott Lert

Saturday, August 15, 2009 0 comments
New Football jerseys have always been attached to a typical trend, unfortunately. Getting out of the typical look is what the modern generation claims, so why should football jerseys be any different? Throw away those old fashioned mesh shirt associated with grubby leather caps! As the fashion world is developing, it is brining you more and more designer jerseys. The innovative technologies used in jerseys always bring out the very best outlook in players. Those old days are long gone, so get something new today!

As changes are being introduced in new football jerseys, more and more logos are associating themselves with the unique designs. The fashionable logos enrich the authenticated look of your jersey, in addition to the wide media brand attractions. Football has always been a worldwide game, and now-a-days the huge global appeal is being drawn to this game. So update your look to match the increasing expectations. New fashion in your jersey will surely be appreciated.

A new football jersey, today, is a new symbol of fashion. The attractive color schemes and complicated designs in football jerseys introduced recently are opening a complete new era in the world of sport icons. This sudden dramatic change has resulted in many more football fans buying the replicas of designer football uniforms. The demand of new innovations in jerseys is increasing day-by-day, as it is not only to differentiate your team, but also to symbolize your team spirit. The more unique you are, the more attraction you get. As simple as it is.

As you have already stepped out of the typical trend of jerseys, why don't you consider customizing your own jersey? No doubt you are the one who knows what suits you the best. So logically, you should be one who chooses the design embedded in your own jersey. Today you can easily customize your football jersey in any custom shop. Some custom shops offer you the opportunity to use a specified program to design your own jersey and they will also give you the chance to have a look at it before you place an order. So why don't you take this opportunity? Show your creativity in your jersey and impress the crowd!

The new football jerseys also give you the freedom to choose what kind of lettering you want in your jersey. You have the autonomy to choose the font, style and color of the letter. Unlike having the typical team name and number in the exact same style as the others, you can now choose where you want to put those details and how you want to spread those in your own jersey. Is it not just great! Moreover, you can also choose to have letterings, pictures and logos on your sleeve. All of these are just to make you look and feel different in the crowd.

New technology in football jerseys is not only bringing new styles, but also making it more comfortable for you. A TechFit PowerWeb fabric has been introduced to increase the amount of gaseous exchange through your jersey. The breathable fabric allows the access of oxygen though your jersey, which makes you feel comfortably fresh through out the game. Are you wondering how fast the technology is running? Don't. Just enjoy the innovation of change.

Saving the Spare -- How to Knock Down Those Trouble Pins by Johnny Cartwright

Monday, August 10, 2009 0 comments
No matter how skilled a bowler you are, you're going to find yourself in a spare situation--and for those of us that are casual bowlers, it happens more often than not.

Picking up a spare can be difficult or easy. It all depends on the location of the remaining pins. Some spares are fairly easy for novice bowlers, such as a single pin standing in the center of the lane. Other situations require more concentration, and a little knowledge of geometry ;)

Splits--when there is two or more pins standing, with a gap in between--are considered the most difficult to spare, and the larger the gap, the tougher the shot.

Single Pin Spares

Potential spares that do not involve splits, are fairly straight-forward. With single pin spares, a straight aim at the remaining pin is often all it takes. Because even a glancing blow will knock the pin over, there's a wide target area to aim for.

An exception to this simplicity is a single pin adjacent to the gutter, especially when on the same "hand" as the bowler. For right-handed bowlers, the 10-pin is the culprit, for left-handed bowlers, the 7-pin.

Because of the natural throwing motion, and the narrowed target area, it is easy to end up with a gutter ball when attempting this shot.

One technique is to move to the opposite side of the lane, and throw the ball across the lane, towards the pin.

When the single pin is against the gutter, but opposite the bowler's hand, the shot is less difficult. If you can hook the ball, do so, as this increases the size of the target area.

Adjacent Pin Spares

When you are left with two adjacent pins, and one is closer t o you than the other, you have a fairly easy spare, as well.

Aiming for the forward pin, on the opposite side of the rearward pin, will usually result in the front pin hitting the back pin, giving you the spare.

While you can also attempt to use the ball to hit both pins, by aiming the ball at the forward pin on the same side as the rearward pin, often this results in the ball ricocheting and bypassing the second pin, and missing the shot.

Making the Split

Splits are considerably more complex shots than other spare situations.

Baby splits, splits with small gaps between pins, are easier, but they still require skill and precision to hit the shot.

To pick up a 3-10 or 2-7 split, the best technique is to hit the leading pin on the side closest to the back pin. This allows the ball to hit both the front and back pins, by taking advantage of any minor ricochet.

With the 4-5 and 5-6 splits, the pins are equidistant from the bowler, and this shot can only be made by sending the ball between both pins, hitting them both at the same time.

Larger splits, like the 7-10 split, require not only skill, but also luck. The only hope of hitting this spare is to hit one pin, and have that pin fly across the lane and knock down the other one.

The Banka Koper Slovenia Open Craze by Peri Witny

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 0 comments
The WTA stands for women tennis association. It was found in 1973. It organized and gave birth to the women's professional tennis. The headquarters of WTA is in St. Petersburg, United States. The Asia-Pacific headquarters are in Beijing and London is the European headquarter of WTA. Over 250 women were played professionally, by 1980 and the tour contained 47 global events. The increase in the financial opportunities gave a chance for huge developments not only in tennis, but to women's sports.

WTA Banka Koper Slovenia Open will take place 0n 20th and 26th of July. The tournament will occur at the courts of the sport recreational centre Marina in Portorose. The tournment is bringing about some of the most important and notable names in global tennis to Portorose. Katarina Srebotnik, the first lady of Slovene tennis , is the favourite of the domestic audience, regularly competes in Portorose. People are passiionately waiting for the graet event and the audaiance is very optomistic about the sport. The weather is going to be sunny which will arouse the intrest of the people. Tennis live score will be uploaded online for the tennis lovers. Different players from six continents have participated within the last five years. It shows that tennis has become a global sport. The most interesting thing about such an event like WTA Banka Koper Slovenia Open is that it is organized by the organisers.

Every summer so many capable men, women, young girls and boys give their contribution to this tournament and show their best to bring out this colourful event, which is full of joy and disappointments, successes and lapses, wins and defeats that depicts the difference between sport and life it self. Banka Koper Slovenia Open has grown with every passing year. People have a lot of faith and have a lot of expectations with this great event and the tournament has always been successful in fulfilling the expectations of the people. It has beautifully developed every year. People are greatly looking forward to Banka Koper Slovenia Open 2009. The expectations of people is very high again this year. Live tennis score is going to be displayed on the internet. The top female players like Vera Zvonareva and Caroline Wozniacki are going to be participating again this year in Banka Koper Slovenia Open.

The WTA Tour event is played on outdoor hard courts and this great event is a WTA International Tournaments. All the big tennis stars like Santangelo , Errani, Goerges Srebotnik Kirilenko, Vinci, Pin, Bovin., Bychkova/Manasiev, Borwell/Nagle Hradecka/Klepac, Dushevina/Makarova ,MedinGarrigues/Ruano,Pascual, Pin/Wickmayer are going to give a tough challenge to each other. The spectators are dying to see their favorite players playing and winning. A lot of hustle and bustle is expected this year again. The Banka Koper Slovenia Open is kept in every summer keeping in mind the likeliness of sunny weather. So that people can enjoy their favorite sport in sunny weather, in their summer holidays. Tennis results are going to be displayed on internet.

Free Betting Advice - Losing Runs, Profit and Bookmakers - Basics by Keith Driscoll

Saturday, August 1, 2009 0 comments
+Losing Runs+

This issue is what finishes off a lot of peoples betting banks, and forces them to give up, and is commonly due to the original stake being set too high.

You need to remember that the lesser the SR (Strike Rate), the longer the likely losing runs.

A 50% SR can create you a losing run of 8, although improbable, it is still statistically feasible. 35% can give you a losing run of around 18, getting down to 20% and a losing run of 30 isn't unknown. You ought to take this into account whilst setting your bank and stake. It's at all times best to be over cautious when starting off; you can always adjust a few months down the line.

+Bookmaker / Betting Exchanges+

Bookmakers have been about for decades, and with the betting exchanges available now the gambler has more choice than ever. Which one you utilize it up to yourself, but I use the betting exchanges about 98% of the time now.

One detail that folk fail to remember is that there is generally little difference between the two with reference to short-priced runners, as you do pay 2%-5% commission on the exchanges, and you need to take this into account. Any horses over 5/1 should be put on the betting exchanges without question. An old Draw Bias system of mine threw up a 50/1 SP winner, 110/1+ on the exchanges, and a 40/1 SP, at around 80/1 on the exchanges, that's 100% or more potential profit.

If you haven't bet on the betting exchanges, then you are throwing away probable profit, as the above illustration would give you the profit to cope with an additional losing run of 50, or at 10 stakes, you've made 500 more than the man next to you who used the bookmaker.

One other feature people ignore is the Tote, which has its uses in specific situations, especially short priced placed horses, as now and again they are disregarded in the betting, and go off a better price. There are a few other quirks, but I'm not giving all the secrets away for free!

+Long term Profits+

Your initial year might only see you betting banks in the developing stages. After which they ought to really take-off. Take a peak at the members system research on my forum to see the difference between the first year, and those following. In some cases you may perhaps only start with a �1 stake, and produce �100 that year, but if you're doing 10 systems, that's a prospective �1,000, and is likely �1,000 more than you've ever finished a year in profit previously.

You will furthermore have to endure losses, now and then wiping out your betting bank. This doesn't mean the system has failed, although a few do (usually though you'll find a system that fails to profit in a year gets back to winning ways the next year), but that your betting bank was too low, or stake too high. Re-adjust them, and start again, but do reserach first into what your max stake might be, potential losing runs, and adjust everything to manage the risk. I generally use a 3 strikes and the system is dumped rule. If it fails that many times, it is a dud.

Laying does have a tendency to throw up faster profits due to the higher quantity of daily qualifiers, but can suffer days that make you want to cry, but they do have the possibility to increase your betting bank by up to 100% a month. It is not unknown for laying banks to drop 80% though! In order to cover all angles, its best to run win and lay betting banks.